2018059 Growthpoint Super 8 GC
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Recent Results
Please note the following:
BS 12 Qualifying will start on the Tuesday 3rd July
All Main draw matches will start on Wednesday 4th July
The doubles & Mixed doubles sign in will close on the Tuesday 3 at 1pm
The U10 will start on Friday 6 July and will play at Kenrho tennis club
B12/G12 /B14 / G14 will be playing at Ellispark Tennis Stadium
G16 will play at Linden Hoerskool
B16 / MS & WS Markspark Tennis Stadium
BS 12 Qualifying will start on the Tuesday 3rd July
All Main draw matches will start on Wednesday 4th July
The doubles & Mixed doubles sign in will close on the Tuesday 3 at 1pm
The U10 will start on Friday 6 July and will play at Kenrho tennis club
B12/G12 /B14 / G14 will be playing at Ellispark Tennis Stadium
G16 will play at Linden Hoerskool
B16 / MS & WS Markspark Tennis Stadium
Photo Stream
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Besides the usual parents creating poor sportsmanship towards Opposition players in terms of continuous talking while the players are playing , the atmosphere was a bit hostile. I think Parents need to read the TSA code of conduct for parents, I dont see any of these rules applying to the parents .


Where & When
Tue, Jul 3rd 2018
Sun, Jul 8th 2018
Tennis (Doubles)
Tue, Jul 3rd 2018 1:00pm Closed -
Tennis (Singles)
Tue, Jun 19th 2018 11:45pm Closed
Ellis Park Tennis Club
29 Bertrams Rd, New DoornfonteinJohannesburg, Gauteng Central, City of Johannesburg - Johannesburg, Gauteng 2094
South Africa
Marks Park Sports Club
Marks )
Judith RoadEmmarentia
Johannesburg, Gauteng Central, City of Johannesburg - Ennerdale, Gauteng 2195
South Africa
LindH )
6th St, Linden, RandburgVX7R+WG Randburg
Johannesburg, Gauteng Central, City of Johannesburg - Johannesburg, Gauteng 2194
South Africa
Kenrho Tennis Club
Cnr Langerman Drive & Onyx St, 2101, KensingtonJohannesburg, Gauteng Central, City of Johannesburg - Johannesburg, Gauteng 2101
South Africa
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