Grupo 1: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Tomas Silva 2 2 100.00
2 Pedro Oliveira 1 1 100.00
2 Tiago Leite 1 1 100.00
2 André Lima 1 1 100.00
5 Fábio Ferreira 1 2 50.00
5 Manuel Sommer 1 2 50.00
5 Luis Carvalho 1 2 50.00
5 João Ferreira Coimbr… 1 2 50.00
9 Martijn Boer 0 2 0.00
10 Miguel Galante 0 1 0.00
10 António Gomes 0 1 0.00
10 José Martins 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Tomas Silva 1724
2 André Lima 1628
3 Tiago Leite 1623
4 Fábio Ferreira 1587
5 Miguel Galante 1563
6 Pedro Oliveira 1548
7 Martijn Boer 1532
8 José Martins 1527
9 Luis Carvalho 1500
10 António Gomes 1498
11 João Ferreira Coimbr… 926
12 Manuel Sommer 501
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Fábio Ferreira 0.00 1 1
2 Martijn Boer 0.00 0 1
3 Manuel Sommer 0.00 1 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 João Ferreira Coimbr… 1 1 100.00
2 Miguel Galante 1 0.00
2 António Gomes 1 0.00
2 Fábio Ferreira 1 0.00
2 Luis Carvalho 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Martijn Boer 600 1532 932
2 João Ferreira Coimbr… 896 926 30
3 António Gomes 1478 1498 20
4 Miguel Galante 1556 1563 7
5 Pedro Oliveira 1542 1548 6
6 Fábio Ferreira 1582 1587 5
7 Manuel Sommer 500 501 1
8 Luis Carvalho 1501 1500 -1
9 André Lima 1634 1628 -6
10 José Martins 1537 1527 -10
11 Tomas Silva 1736 1724 -12
12 Tiago Leite 1635 1623 -12
Biggest Rating Gain from a Single Match
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Martijn Boer 2 2 100.00
2 Miguel Galante 1 1 100.00
2 António Gomes 1 1 100.00
2 José Martins 1 1 100.00
5 Fábio Ferreira 1 2 50.00
5 Manuel Sommer 1 2 50.00
5 Luis Carvalho 1 2 50.00
5 João Ferreira Coimbr… 1 2 50.00
9 Tomas Silva 0 2 0.00
10 Pedro Oliveira 0 1 0.00
10 Tiago Leite 0 1 0.00
10 André Lima 0 1 0.00